About us

1. Encourage Entrepreneurship
Because we know that any country that wants to have sustainable growth must develop an entrepreneurial culture, since there is a direct association between the creation of new companies and the development of the economy.

2. Create Real Opportunities that are within everyone's reach.
All people who undertake to start, improve or grow their business need opportunities, but these opportunities must be real, that is, they must be within everyone's reach and must help them to achieve success in their entrepreneurial path.

Based on these two objectives we founded Drakoi Group to which Drakoi Marketplace belongs.
We believe passionately in this project, being this our main motivation to share with other entrepreneurs our vision, our experience and the relationships we have successfully developed in the business world.
We are here to support those people who have the courage to undertake and dare to take that first step that makes them different from others by seeking to go beyond. But we know that entrepreneurship is not an easy path. It requires a lot of passion, knowledge, experience, endurance and above all dedication.
For this reason, in Drakoi Group we accompany you on your way so that you are not alone and can undertake successfully, that is why we put all our tools at your disposal, so that you can make the most of them and use them to meet your goals and feel personally and professionally fulfilled.
At the same time, we are convinced that we must promote inclusion, which is why we have made Drakoi Marketplace available to everyone. We want anyone to be able to set up their own business here and start this great adventure with all the support they need, because we believe that everyone has the right to start a business and feel socially useful.